Divided Basket by Noodlehead Workshop


The Divided Basket is a sweet and functional catch-all with an exterior slip pocket and a divided liner. With the right fabric combination, you’ll whip up a knitting bag, diaper station, Christmas gift basket – or whatever your imagination inspires!  Dimensions: 11” wide x 6” deep x 10-1/2” tall including handles.  A fun sew for an advanced beginning sewist!

In this workshop, you will practice some basic bag-making techniques, including working with different stabilizers, creating boxed corners, installing a lining, and clean topstitching.

  • Click Here for Class Supply List

  • When: September 21, 2024

  • Instructor: Marti White

  • Fee: $99 + cost of materials

Don’t want to bring your own machine? Use one of ours for an additional $5

  • Prerequisite: School of Sewing I recommended, or previous experience with simple bag making.  Basic sewing skills and familiarity with sewing machine required. Comfortable sewing straight lines and smaller seams.



The Divided Basket is a sweet and functional catch-all with an exterior slip pocket and a divided liner. With the right fabric combination, you’ll whip up a knitting bag, diaper station, Christmas gift basket – or whatever your imagination inspires!  Dimensions: 11” wide x 6” deep x 10-1/2” tall including handles.  A fun sew for an advanced beginning sewist!

In this workshop, you will practice some basic bag-making techniques, including working with different stabilizers, creating boxed corners, installing a lining, and clean topstitching.

  • Click Here for Class Supply List

  • When: September 21, 2024

  • Instructor: Marti White

  • Fee: $99 + cost of materials

Don’t want to bring your own machine? Use one of ours for an additional $5

  • Prerequisite: School of Sewing I recommended, or previous experience with simple bag making.  Basic sewing skills and familiarity with sewing machine required. Comfortable sewing straight lines and smaller seams.

Instructor Bio: A lifelong sewist for family and home, Marti plunged into bag-making a few years ago, having since made close to 50 bags, using patterns from By Annie, Noodlehead, Sallie Tomato, and Emmaline Bags, among others. Marti’s inspiration comes from pairing the beautiful fabrics and patterns in Cate’s collection, along with the fun of personalizing the right bag for friends, family, and self!